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The Big Show

Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 500 pounds
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing move: Chokeslam
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion; Federation Tag Team Champion (2); Hardcore Champion (2)

Kevin Nash

Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 325 pounds
Finishing move: Jackknife Powerbomb
Career Highlights: Federation Champion; Intercontinental Champion; Federation Tag Team Champion; WCW Champion (5); WCW Tag Team Champion (7)
Member of: RAW team
Welcome To [nWo]

Booker T
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 250 pounds
From: Houston, Texas
Favorite Quote: "Tell me you didn't just say that!"
Finishing move: Scissors Kick
Career Highlights: WCW Champion (5); WCW U.S. Champion; WCW Television Champion (6); WCW Tag Team Champion (11); WWE Tag Team Champion


Height: 6'
Weight: 212 pounds
From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Favorite Quote: "Put that in your pipe and smoke it!"
Finishing move: X-Factor
Career Highlights: European Champion (2); Light Heavyweight Champion (2); Federation Tag Team Champion (4); WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Member of: RAW team

[nWo] Members
Kevin Nash & Booker T & X-Pac
and The Big Show

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